Apologies for not writing about Nanowrimo results last week. WordPress server went down and deleted the draft and I tried rewriting it on Sunday but WordPress was so Glitchy.
Saturday, on 22:50, I managed to get to my nanowrimo to 50,002 words! Yay! That was extremely exhausting. It was another reason why I gave up trying to write this post on Sunday last week.
What Next?

When I started this challenge, I thought I would have finished the draft or close to finish by the time I hit 50,000 but it turns out that I am probably not even half way yet!
I took a week away from writing for two reasons: I was exhausted, as I previously said, and I wanted some time to think about what I had already written.
I am going to continue with this project and see where I can take it. Once I have posted this, I’ll be in my room, working on the next section, so stay in tuned.
I will also participate in Nanowrimo again! It really did get me to write more, so yep, definitely will do it again.
What about the Nanowrimo Race?
Some of you know that Sophie and I challenged each other to a race to see who got to 50,000 first.
Personally, I am not sure who technically won. I updated mine at 22:50, while Sophie’s still showed that she was 600 words behind! It looks like I won the challenge in that perspective, but only a little over an hour later, she updated, just before midnight hit. A whopping 50225 words!
The extra 225 in the space of 10 minutes makes me think she had won the challenge to hit 50,000 first. So well done, Sophie!

How did your project go? Tell me about them.
Any questions for me? do let me know, and don’t forget to follow me or Sophie for more posts on writing and disability.
How’s it all going girls
Good, Sophie won the total word count, I won in the timescale