Carrying heavy items has always been a problem for me. I have to consider it all the time when I’m shopping. Even moving a bunch of things to the next room can be an issue. I have to be strategic. Creative.
Especially as what I see as heavy may not be heavy to others. On some days, my laptop appears heavier than other days.
Most people don’t think about popping to the shops and filling a bag with groceries, but often, I struggle to carry a bag of groceries that contain the bare necessities: milk, bread, a tin or two and cooking sauces – so when I have to make a big trip to the shops it is always a struggle. However, I have some tricks and tips.
Abandon the Shopping Basket to carry less weight.
The shopping basket is absolutely useless for me. Not only is it somehow awkward and painful to carry, it just puts the weight of the items into my hand. By the time I have made my way to the tills and paid, I am already tired.
I abandon the use of the basket. If I feel I can manage without a trolley, then I will use a bag, maybe a rucksack, and then empty the bag/rucksack at the till.
Use a Shopping Trolley
Known as shopping carts in the USA, these things are great to stop you from getting too tired too quickly. Try and use the smallest size they have to prevent you from filling it up with a bunch of stuff you were not originally going to buy. Having a list helps with this too.
The handles can support you if you do start to get tired. And it’s ok to use a trolley and only have 5-6 items in it when you take it to the till. You might get a few glances, but it’s not your problem.
Make a list
This will make it so that you don’t buy what you were not originally going to get. So, those that are impulsive buyers, this might save your bank account!
But there’s another reason for this list. If you prioritise whether it is urgent or not, you are able to keep the weight of your shopping down. So, if you have to rely on the bus, you might need to make 2 or 3 trips to the supermarket, but it is better than being in pain!
University Shopping
If you are moving into halls, take someone shopping with you. If you are struggling to carry heavy items in general, there is no way you can do a big shop for
My dad helps me when I move into halls and then I do frequent but small shops throughout the year. So again, you might need to do 2-3 trips a week. However, if you have a flatmate steal all your food (it happens -_-) and you need to do an emergency shop – then friends will be happy to help too.
Alternatively, there is online shopping but they tend to give short-dated food. You also have to spend a specific amount before they deliver and make an account. It is also much more expensive than shopping at Aldi as the recent pandemic has taught us.
Ask for help.
I’ve done this. When I couldn’t park in the indoor car park but had tons of bags, I have asked shops to carry my shopping to my car. It’s a bit of hit and miss on this one, but usually, you can get some form of help.
Alternatively, you can get it delivered. But don’t do what I did. The delivery time was half an hour away once I finished shopping, so I started back towards my halls. Somehow the driver managed to beat me back.
Life at University
Doing laundry at halls

This one could probably fit into the shopping one as well, but I had a shopping trolley bag that I used as a laundry hamper. My last two university years, I had to go to the laundrette to do my laundry but was unable to carry my clothes. So my dad bought me a shopping trolley as a way of easily manoeuvring my clothes.
As I said, you need to be creative if you have a disability. Changing a shopping trolley bag into a laundry hamper seems pretty creative to me. All you have to do is drag
Then you drag it to your clothes horse, clothes airer or whatever you use to dry your clothes!
Moving a laptop and other uni supplies

Get a bag on wheels. I honestly think that my laptop bag is the best bag invention ever. It has a laptop case to protect my MacBook, places to store folders and can be easily moved because it has an extendable handle and wheels. If you struggle carrying your laptop or uni supplies I highly recommend them.
Just watch out for people who do not look where they are going. They will, always, no matter what, trip over the bag.
What’s more, you can use them for sleepovers. Stuff some spare clothes in them for the night and you’re sorted. Happy as Larry—whoever he is…
University handbooks
If you don’t want the laptop bag, or even if you do, then I recommend getting a small folder to keep your important documents for each module. Every single one of them.
That way, you will only need to take the relevant folder to university with you. If you have the laptop bag, you can put the folder in there.
Out and about
If I go somewhere where I won’t need much, then I just take my little handbag with me to keep the heavy items at bay. However, if I am going somewhere that requires more than my phone, keys and wallet, I take a rucksack or my laptop bag.
A rucksack is good because it distributes weight evenly. The laptop bag is excellent because you only have to drag it behind you.
If there is a heavy item you need to move, find something with wheels attached. Wheels are the best invention known to man. Investing in a shopping trolley bag and a laptop bag might be ideal.
However, if it is just a bunch of stuff that won’t fit in your handbag, maybe use a rucksack.
Thanks for reading. What are some of your techniques to shifting weight from one place or the next? Is there anything I’ve missed? Please do let me know in the comments below.
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