We all know that university is hard. It is three years of focused study on whatever course you picked, but I think we can all agree that some years are harder than others.
Third-year especially. All of a sudden, you are given double the workload from the previous year. You have a dissertation to prepare for. God, that dissertation. It is probably going to be the biggest document you will ever write and you know that it has the most weigh-in in terms of grades.
There is all this expectation from you, and to top it all off, you have to start thinking about what’s next. A job? A Masters? This year is full of choices and hard work!
Although I found the first semester of my second year at university the hardest, my final year was equally as hard. It requires dedication and hard work.
I remember I panicked because I spent a lot of time on my dissertation compared to my other modules. But in the end, it all turned out fine. It all turned out fine! I graduated with a 2.1 from the University of Derby.
I’m happy with that, and as I said, I am now doing a Master’s Course. Ma in Writing for Performance at the University of Derby.
So, I am sure you will all help me encourage Sophie and wish her luck in her final year at De Montfort University. She has made some great but difficult promises to herself for the year
Sophie, you will do amazing hon! I know you can do it! Good luck!
Don’t forget to read her fantastic post and comment on there too!
Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter 🙂 If you enjoyed this post, you might like my post on my Masters Course.

Now I have been in my third year for a few weeks, I have managed to get a feel for how this year is going to pan out and what is expected of me. My mind is chaotic and has been for a while now, but I have started to get things in order. I […]
A Third Year University Promise — The Life of Sophie