In Celebration of her birthday, my friend, Sophie, is having a book giveaway on her blog for her debut collection of short stories in Love and Loss. Follow her instructions, share the post with #lovelossgiveaway2020 and comment on what you would like her to blog about next as a writer for your chance to win.
I’ve read this book and I do recommend it. My favourite is the longer piece of the two stories, Emma’s Inner Torture. Think Inkheart and Cinderella combined. It left me wanting to know more, but at the same time, not knowing also adds to the story. You know what I mean?

Hi everyone, to celebrate my birthday I am going to be hosting a giveaway until 31st March 2020. How to win the book? It’s simple really. Share this post with the hashtag #LoveLossGiveaway2020. This will help me find a way to contact you should you be the one that wins. Comment on the post […]
Love and Loss Giveaway – A birthday celebration — The Life of Sophie
PS: I would like to know what you’d like to read about next too! Feel free to see my latest post on the Seven Basic Plots as well.
And Good Luck on the Giveaway!